Friday, October 11, 2024

Jews Were Allowed Their Own Country, and Look What Happened

 You can really tell why jews hate nationalism so much. They can't into. They can't even.

 I think this article gives you a good flavour of how israelism turns out.

 This sort of result makes perfect sense given general jewish character. If they're not someone's lapdog, they immediately go to pieces. It doesn't help that they make annoying lapdogs. Shrill or yappy, not very fuzzy. Poor quality. 

 Israel was created by fiat, specifically british fiat. It was one of the most terrible fates the british could have condemn jews to suffer. Lapdogs, deprived of a lap, having to fend for themselves. Hitler spinning counter-clockwise in his grave, from envy.
 The jews can't blame anyone else for the bad end. They should, britain gave land to the jew knowing exactly what he would do to himself as a result, but naturally the jew is far too prideful to admit to being so readable and predictable.

 There's the kind of jew that's self-aware but so narcissistic they think every nation would work out the same as israel does and has. They try to suppress nationalism because they're meddling busybodies with grandiose egos, but aside from that you can't say they have evil intent. Then there's the kind of jew one step more aware, who knows other peoples don't suffer jewish neuroticism, who frantically suppresses nationalism out of incandescent envy. They know nationalism would be better, which is exactly why they're so desperate to prevent it.

 Of course, other peoples deserve it. Jewish blandishments work because blandishments are in demand. Jews are merely the most competent suppliers of Satanic Sophistry.

 P.S. Jews are the most narcissistic people on the planet. It can be called close only optimistically. Like all crazies, if you know their exact damage, they are tediously predictable. Jews in particular favour vulnerable narcissism. If there isn't a victim narrative they can tell, they will manufacture a perpetrator by hook or by crook. Israel literally funds Hamas. With money. Cash.
 The only question is whether the border was ordered to let the october attack through, or whether netz & co could safely rely on the incompetence of their armed forces. Incapable of stopping a hang glider. The latter seems probable, given their subsequent performance. However, they might be self-sabotaging so as to avoid accidentally removing their perpetrator from the equation.

 P.P.S. Why do jews want to rape prisoner so bad? To provoke a higher-intensity conflict. If they're not shitting their pants about some external enemy, they instantly fall to infighting. Vulnerable narcissists are all about kicking the dog until it bites, then getting a "saviour" to shoot the dog by spinning a victim narrative about a terrible bitey dog. They commit escalating niggling trespasses until you blow up on them.

 If they can't get palestinians or germans to victimize them, they compete to provoke victimization from each other. Identical twins will turn on each other, unable to agree on who is the victim and who is the perp.

 The smart money is staying the hell away from israel, lest it drag you into its bullshit. Social distance, but not six feet. Ten yard poles minimum.
 By making israel, britain effectively expelled a bunch of jews, and made it seem like it was their own idea. 

 Social distance...or fulfilling their genocide fantasies. Everyone would be happier if they were supplied the victimization they so desperately crave. Stalin tried it, worked out great for him.

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