Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Leftists are Just Liars, Diagnostically

 Here's my proposal: bantu-americans disproportionately live in cruddy houses. Having to pay money for a house is racist. Disparate impact. Nationalize the housing market. 

 Certainly, the dumbest leftists will agree with you...until one their superiors tell them to stop. The dumb-set implicitly claim to believe what comes out of their mouths, which isn't true. They squawk on demand. Provided they can't just call you a right-wing troll (iow post from a shadow account, not your main), all the anti-racists will have to come up with gymnastics explaining why they support racism when it comes to buying a house.

 If they were genuine true believers you could genuinely get the housing market nationalized - followed by destroying blackrock, all retirement funding, the Fed balance sheet, etc etc, causing the collapse of wokeness. At worst, it would cause a cascade, because paying money for anything causes disparate impact. Have to nationalize everything. Why slouch toward full Stalinist Communism when you can sprint there? Get it over with already.

 However, leftists own stocks, and they know which side their bread is buttered on. Provided suitable rhetoric was  used in support, the meme would follow the same trajectory as [defund the police]. "No you idiots, we need those thugs." 

 With the correct meme, you can expose any leftist as a liar. Don't go all, "But what if the positions were reversed!" It's technically the same goal, but far too obvious. Incredibly naive. "What if you gave me money and power instead of yourself?"
 Instead, agree and amplify. 

 If [[we]] tear down all the slums and build good-neighbourhood houses for everyone, everyone will live in a good neighbourhood, right?
 Right, lolololololol? If the private economy won't do it, the federal government has to step in and "correct" this "market inefficiency" with [[[[[regulation]]]]]]. It's all [environment] lmayo.

What extension of leftism would cause this particular leftist the most harm? The only thing a leftist is willing to sacrifice for their cause is you. 

 I've never seen a sincere rightist less-leftist, but if they existed, they would also be unable to produce this kind of rhetoric. They take it for granted the leftists are liars, but react not by acting like they're taking it for granted, but by trying to [prove] the leftist [wrong]. The strategy of pretending the lies are said in good faith. "They're full of shit, everyone knows they're full of shit...therefore I will challenge them in a debate! Should be easy!" Thereby granting leftist rhetoric far more respectability than it remotely deserves. As opposed to proving they're just lying.


rezzealaux said...

yesterday i finished reading the manga adaptation of water margin, one of the four chinese epics. i'd been interested in what it was about since hearing LKY talk about how it was 'form a robber band then just kill wealthy people and take from them'.

the majority of water margin by volume is about a lot of righteous men wronged by corrupt society (108 is a standard way to say 'a lot' or 'infinite') leaving their various circumstances and coalescing on/defending their "little patch of heaven" on a certain "mountain" in the middle of a "marsh". this is all nice enough.

the final sequence is they become a strong enough force to be reckoned with on a national scale and the emperor extends them amnesty in return for going out to defeat a foreign opponent. they do so. they had no particular interest in conquering anything, but they always wanted to go back to being part of society. so they go and win. ministers don't give them amnesty, tricks the emperor to send them on another campaign. they win again. they get sent on a third campaign. this time a bunch of them die, but they win again. the emperor finds out and gives amnesty and money to the remaining group. the group disbands. the ministers send poisoned wine to the remaining leaders saying it's from the emperor. they know it's poisoned. they drink it. they die.

society is corrupt -> do my own thing
do my own thing -> become strong
become strong -> society says do this and you can come back
(society is still corrupt)
(becoming strong does not protect against corruption)
do things for corrupt society -> death

that's the whole story.

it seems to me the reason for the continued existence of this story is it serves the state. if the story is influential like the descriptions say, it means most men are envious. leaving society and doing your own thing because society is corrupt, But As Long As Dadddy/Mommy Says I'm A Good Boy Then Everything Is Okay.
this also explains why liu bei of romance of the three kingdoms isn't universally seen as a stupid evil man.
i haven't seen robin hood but i've read it has a similar shape: he steals from aristocrats, but he is allied with the king.

rezzealaux said...


"2) For this you must understand the way that we Chinese people measure achievements. While it is good to be successful, we tend to place more value upon morality than anything else. If a person becomes rich by cheating others then even if he was to become a billionaire there will still be this feel of loathing we will tend to attribute towards him. On the other hand, if a person tries his best to run an honest business but was eventually reduced to bankruptcy because he won’t be bribed then we will sympathise and respect him for his courage. In China we have a phrase, “明知不可为而为之”, which translates to “doing something despite knowing it will be futile”. Most modern people will call this person a complete idiot but earlier in Chinese history this is a sort of courage that is greatly respected. It’s not just like “I’m going to jump off this cliff and fly because I know it’s impossible!”, more like fighting for one’s beliefs in the face of overwhelming odds. An often used representation of this idea is the honor-bound minister who stands up to his tyrant ruler, in the face of certain death he will still try to stop the tyrant from issuing the order that will push the nation towards oblivion. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms we see Liu Bei fighting a desperate battle against the overwhelmingly powerful Cao Cao because Liu Bei sees himself as the last guardian of the Han Dynasty in a sea of disloyal warlords. Despite knowing that he will likely die a horrific death for opposing Cao Cao he will still do it to protect the Dynasty that he (supposedly) is loyal to. Sure, maybe he’s just too ambitious to serve others, but the excuse that he chose for himself speaks to intellectuals at the time and that is why Zhuge Liang chose him over Cao Cao."

this is literally the sin everyone says the chinese have

"It’s not just like “I’m going to jump off this cliff and fly because I know it’s impossible!”"

it is exactly like saying you'll jump off this cliff and fly because you know it's impossible

this must also be why people like yang wen-li of LOGH.
can all 'he was a good idiot' stories be understood this way?

Alrenous said...

Yes, robin hood is in fact an aristocrat, a "good" aristocrat who opposes the "bad" aristocrat in high+low vs. middle propaganda. The best you can say about it is at least this meddling bastard isn't a peasant; it's not egalitarianism propaganda.
Also it's based on real anti-norman guerilla fighters, but IRL they gave up and lost. Fake news, lol.

Yeah I think all "he was a good idiot" stories can be understood at pro-black-government propaganda.

There was a choice other than fighting for cao or fighting against cao cao.
He's not brave, he's a cuck. Even if we assume the han was good (lmao), by fighting a dumb battle he deprived the dynasty of its last defenders.
His options were:
1) lose the han, die
2) lose the han, don't die
and he was like, "bro I just gotta die"

I would say >stories< of this sort of thing >might< be respected, but it's clear this actual behaviour is not respected IRL. I expect they feel loathing (really, Envy) toward all billionaires, and allegations of cheating are merely a useful excuse. Though of course I haven't visited. Not an exhaustive survey.

Alrenous said...

Becomes strong enough to fend off corrupt society, instead attempts to rejoin the corruption, becoming corrupt, suffers death.