Thursday, February 29, 2024

Fentanyl isn't Fentanyl

 As always with journalists, the story isn't the real story. Something is (probably!) happening, but we have no idea what it is.


 According to the scary bedtime story, fentanyl is a deadly boogieman which is perfect for execution. Any macroscopic quantity instantly kills you.
 Suicide is troublesome as there's no painless way to go...even if you try to shoot yourself in the head, what happens if you miss, not to mention the mess...until the magic pill, fentanyl. Unconscious in seconds, and no chance of accidentally puking it back up. Nice viewable corpse. Maybe suicide while you have a cold and blame it on covid.

 Oh also this drug is allegedly in everything. Someone is carefully ensuring that every kind of schedule 1 gets contaminated with fentanyl residues. How meticulous and conscientious. Drug dealers, all criminals really, are known for their thoughtfulness...

 Whatever fentanyl is, it's not what we're told it is. It's not coming from where we're told it's coming from. It's not made how we're told it's made. It's not used by who we're told it's being used by. It probably doesn't even have the drug effects we're told it has. Everything, everything, is lies.

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