Thursday, August 31, 2023

Right Wing as Inherently Profane

"your shrill, catty chimpouts you guys have in response to the slightest criticism tells me none of you have the impulse control necessary to be worth anything in a real world situation"

 Background: every American is a woman. Twitter right = American or trans-American, i.e. they are women. There were no founding fathers, only founding mothers - politics is unfiltered knitting-circle. 

 Plato was right about Democracy, it's inherently bad. While one can (and I have) filtered out the true essence of 'right' vs. 'left' there's nothing debatable about it. It boils down to correct vs. incorrect. There is no left wing, there is only a wrong wing.

 Background II: "late Capitalism" is a real thing but it refers to late Fascism. 

 "The democrat is desirous of all things and treats all, good and bad, equally"

 In other words, at first the Democratic house has a right wing and a left wing, placing good and bad in apparently equal standing. However, this is unstable; profit-seeking and loss-seeking can't coexist, and it must collapse into one or the other.

 "if his son, the tyrannical man, falls into bad company — and he will — then he will be governed entirely by the bad and the desire for the bad."

 Having legitimized the bad, it reliably collapses into pure loss-seeking. The house is consumed by the left wing. Plato's Tyranny is nothing more than late Democracy. (What cold warriors called 'capitalism.')

 Even calling yourself a "right" winger is to accept intolerable amounts of leftism, by suggesting it is remotely, in any way reasonable to claim leftism is an alternative. Leftism is nothing but self-mutilation. What Plato got wrong: justice is in fact very simple. It is impossible not to understand justice except willfully. To be left wing is to be wrong and to be right wing is to be wrong too.

 It should not be surprising that the "right" wing is fundamentally a bunch of women. In Reality there are no wings here. It's the contrast between virtue and treachery.

Lack of impulse control = zombies. Easy to manipulate. They can't even secure their own will. 

 It should not have surprised me that the "right" wing is nothing but furtive, insecure leftism. Nothing but the less-wrong-but-definitely-still-wrong wing. Left wing + self-doubt. 

 Is it too boring to admit the Greeks were right? Pursue virtue, eschew vice. That's it. Be wise, courageous, and reliable, not a foolish, cowardly traitor. There's absolutely nothing honourable or glorious about leftism, which means the name 'leftism' is itself is a vice.

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