Thursday, August 10, 2023

Gonzalo Lira and why I can't trade stocks

I predicted Lira was dead, but he wasn't. Lira then kindly retroactively fixed my analysis. You can confirm this on his twitter. 

Stock trading demands precise timing. I can tell where things are going but I can't fathom idiocy to figure out how long they will take to get there. 

E.g. Lira knew he was basically a fugitive and then decided to go through a border checkpoint, instead of trying to cut across the countryside. This is a level of dumb I would naively attribute to amoebas and slime molds, but here we are with an alleged sapiens. Incomprehensible stupidity. "I'm criticizing a usurper...maybe I should invest in a dirt bike? Naaaw, I'm sure it will be fine." 

Anyway, thanks for tidying up my error, Lira.

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