Saturday, April 24, 2021


It should be possible to collaborate over the internet. When I tried to find someone to collaborate with, it flagrantly didn't work.

1. Internet users aren't willing to work.

2. University dwellers are willing to work but not toward the truth.


1) is itself a catch-22. Communicating over the internet takes work, which nobody is willing to do. Since nobody is willing to do it, there's no point in putting any more effort into communicating than a troll meme. Since everyone is meme trolling anyway, there's no point in trying to put work into it; just makes you more vulnerable to being trolled.

I'm hardly the friendliest of entities, and there's a possibility that my personality was the deal breaker. However, were this the case, I should see others collaborating. I do not. What useful intellectual ore appears on the internet appears without connection to anything else, often largely as epiphenomena to a non-scholarly meatspace situation. 

In a fundamentalist theocracy, neophobia is merely a rational social strategy. Even if you find a new truth, it's just going to be declared heresy. The theocracy tells you exactly what to think on every topic. (Ref: intellectual dominance, as opposed to social or physical.) 

I've seen Transgressive orthodoxy described as confusing and inconsistent, but I can't see it. Kto kogo. The correct Transgressive thing to say seems perfectly obvious to me at all times. If anyone really is mystified by the catechisms, I would be interested in working through any provided examples.

1 comment:

Alrenous said...

Seems like there's a clean distinction between those who won't work at all and those who want to work as hard as possible, regardless of how productive it is. For the latter, any easier method is called the easy way out.