Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Rich Can Get Better Stuff

 There's a common canard that the rich have to buy the same stuff as us poors. Democratic Man loves his gaslighting.

 Easy example: instead of commissioning a painting or two, commission a whole book. Perhaps the rich don't do this, but it's not because they can't. You can get bespoke stories told for you specifically. Be your own publisher with an expected market size of one.

 Saw a jew try to say the rich can't get planes to leave on time, as if he had never heard of private jets. 

 Consider a wooden chair. Upholstery made privately, without fire retardants or plasticized foams. Bespoke bronze screws that won't rust like iron alloys. The screws are two-part screws with an outer metal jacket so the item can be disassembled and reassembled without risking damage to the wood. Bespoke carving, so they don't have to follow postmodern uglifying trends. Deliberately designed to either last or have replaceable parts, e.g. the upholstery is not stapled to the wood. Heirloom chair.
 Sure it's expensive, but we're talking maybe $30k, not billions. Maybe instead of bronze screws they use antibacterial silver. Or carve it all in one piece. Perhaps instead of metal sockets for the screws, they're in replaceable pegs. They can buy a prototype and then tweak it for the final version.

 You can get a machine shop to make you custom screws made of arbitrary metals, it's merely expensive. Etc etc. 

 Bonus: bespoke items are stealthy. No ad campaign, no journalisms. Only a few individuals need to find out you're rich, and they're unlikely to talk, starting with the fact nobody would listen even if they did. Top-out-of-sight class. In a Democracy, it's important that the roaming herds of ravenous voters can't find you.

 Perhaps the rich choose not to get bespoke, artisanal versions of everything they want, but if they can't get them, it's because they're not genuinely rich.


Anonymous said...

Can the rich get good cities, or are such things irrelevant to them?

Peter Thiel (whose probably richer than Musk) on Rogan was unable to identify a place he could move to from L.A. (which used to be an actual billionaires' playground some time ago) settling for Miami or Costa Rica (lol).

That no contemporary city would be out of place in the 50s seems like a genuine example of stuck culture, to put it mildly. But we also have shitty billionaires and trillionaires so...

Alrenous said...

Someone sufficiently rich could buy a good city, yes. Or merely move to singapore and induce folk to live near him to get a proper racial neighbourhood. I'm not sure anyone is rich enough to buy a whole city.

Thiel is kind of dumb. If I had his money I could identify a good neighbourhood. Though yes the research cost alone is something like ten million.

If I were thiel I would start by hiring a pope. Thiel = Democratic Man and can't into hierarchy...
Also, you may have heard, he's a faggot. It wouldn't work out for him even if he wasn't a Democrat.
If he could hire a pope, he could identify a rich neighbourhood full of crazed fanatics, then buy all of their houses, and replace the residents with sane folk, paying all their rent/repairs and so on.

If you can find the right lawyer, you can figure out how to found a modern-day manor without falling afoul of disparate impact &c. Though probably still best to do it well outside america.

E.g. DC is 50% bantu, but they still don't let BLM into georgetown. Some places are still basically nice, except they're full of CIA and DNC etc.