Friday, August 16, 2024

Political Solutions

 The real solution looks like [defund washington]. That is wholly unrealistic. Because americans cannot or will not pursue workable solutions, no solution will be worked. Presumably rome had the same issue, and consequently america will follow rome's trajectory, or rather, will continue to follow rome's trajectory, as it has been following since at least 1776. 

 "My reason: I do not want to live in a world where only one political opinion is acceptable."

Problem: you want to live in a world where there are more than zero acceptable political opinions. Above zero, [one opinion] is merely the Nash equilibrium. Ref: Tocqueville. 

 Topic: wealth cap.
 The root cause of democracy is that a people is too poor to afford anything better. In turn, democracy makes them even poorer, incapable of affording democracy, and ultimately incapable of affording even tyranny.

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