Monday, June 24, 2024

On Superiority of 3D

 The best 3D breasts look way better than the best 2D.

 2D can't smell nice. 2D can't be soft to the touch. 2D can't clean your dishes.

 2D women look tense and toned like a man. They can't be anywhere near as loose and relaxed as a healthy 3D. 

 2D can't squeeze tighter in ecstasy. 


 All but one of the best things about 2D are behaviours, which 3D can almost trivially copy. Most of 'em don't even have to be sincere. Being willing to fake it is good enough. Sure there are inherent disadvantages in 3D too, but they're relatively unimportant.

 If your 3D can't reasonably compete with 2D, it's because she sucks absolute shit. What stops 3D acting cute? Fuck all, that's what. Have all these advantages and is still losing. Loser.

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