Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Being Explicit: Comfort and Maturity

 Who needs praise? Small children. "Daddy daddy! Look at me!" Christianity is about pretending the small child who didn't get enough love is in fact the creator god. This is the veneer which justifies the underlying Satanism. The veneer's motivation is a painfully obvious attempt to replace the absent parents' love. A religion for small, lost children. 

 Christianity is successful because small, lost child is the mortal default. E.g. much of geopolitics is about lost, orphaned, or abandoned children seeking love and support through conquest &c. "Daddy daddy! Look how much land I grabbed!" "Daddy daddy, your son can beat up his son, look!" It's consonant with the underlying tissue.

 This is bad. Children are boring and shallow. Simple. Annoying. Predictable - redundant.
 Wealth? "I can buy lots of toys!" Wisdom? "Haha, stupid!" Piety? "Yeah well I can eat infinity+1 onions without crying!" Nothing but a pile of children pretending as hard as possible that they're not children, except you don't get those charming little absences of mind where they forget to pretend to be cool, and instead like something and are happy to have it. 

 Or is it bad? Setting aside the distinct possibility that the immature find comfort impossible, as long as the immature find their immature comforts, so what? As long as we can find a daddy to praise them, isn't it fine? (Daddy can be a child too - children are too narcissistic to notice a problem as long as he has a veneer of daddiness.)

 Seeking maturity is unquestionably a lot of effort. Yet all it accomplishes, setting aside the set-aside, is going from comfortable immaturity to comfortable maturity. 

 A fortiori: mature comforts are more expensive, more difficult to satisfy, more scarce. Deep, sophisticated stories are more expensive than, "Oh noes, bad guy is bad! Haha, phew! Bad guy get bonked!" (I expect a Nobel in literature. Chop chop.) Even the long-term/short-term tension is unclear on this point. E.g. if there has ever been a society of mature adults, it clearly doesn't exist anymore and hasn't for centuries at least. E.g. when society falls, the children throw a tantrum and then seem to get used to it, suggesting that even decline and massacre are only a blip on the comfort graph, so it doesn't matter even if it really does happen to adults less often.

 THE LORD needs you to praise him because he's insecure and need reassurance....and so what? Allegedly he's willing to pay by comforting you in return, so why not go ahead and do that? 

 If there's a problem it's that lies are uncomfortable. Yet most almost all mortals seem to have extreme resistance to the discomfort caused by lies, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

 Even maturity is immature. "I'm a big boy!" "Nuh uh, I'm a bigger boy!" "No way, I'm a bigger boy x2!" You can see it, right: each straining on their very tippy-toes to look taller, staggering and leaning since they can't balance like that.


 If, as indeed no one can disprove, all systems of value boil down to comfort, then maturity has little to no advantage over immaturity. Zerg swarms of children overrun the Aiur of adults, story over. IRL is not balanced. ""Bad"" guy get bonked.

 If, as indeed no one can disprove, all systems of value boil down to comfort, then lotus-eating is the correct answer. Wireheading is the correct answer. Brave New World is the correct answer. Just take your anaesthetics, problem solved, never be discomfortable again.

 If the universe as a whole has a purpose, it's the fact the Dao is one, therefore lonely. Loneliness is uncomfortable, so it's about fixing that.

 The only problem is that this conclusion makes me uncomfortable. Thus, the comfort problem. I will never be satisfied with mere comfort. Whoops.

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