Friday, May 24, 2024

Locke, Human Understanding

 Using Cliff's notes, of course.

It has done much to shape the course of intellectual development, especially in Europe and America, ever since it was first published in 1690.

 I no longer believe ideas shape culture. I must ask: why was this idea adopted, instead of another? Why did their pope buy this idea at the idea store? Persuasiveness can be ruled out. Ref: the internet. There's the Homestuck principle: all sorts of ideas are bubbling around, you can do whatever you want through simple selection. In theory there's always the potential for radical change. Yet the ideas adopted are always exactly what you would expect in retrospect. "Ah, of course it had to be that one." Ironically Cliff himself accidentally explains in full.

 Few books have ever been written that have so adequately represented the spirit of an age

 Locke said what everyone was already thinking. The exact opposite of innovation or even inquiry.
 Cultures become Atheist, therefore adopt Christianity. Cultures become Communist Despotisms, and therefore adopt Locke. 

 Christianity and Islam are clearly differently effective. We can argue about which one works better, and whether it has flip flopped, but it's clear one is simply better. Does this drive conversion? On the contrary, it drives greater isolation and division. Persuasion, especially logical persuasion, is not a factor.
 Turns out poverty and ignorance is exactly what Muslims demand. Working as intended. Al-Islam means submission, and now they have to submit to their geopolitical neighbours. An opportunity: they can demonstrate to Allah how very submissive they are. (They're not very good at it, hence the practice.) 

 If a philosopher's ideas would make a member of a culture change their behaviour (ref: Last Psych), then the philosopher is simply rejected. Philosophers exist so that cultures may be wrong more vigorously. They wish to pursue their falsehoods precisely, coherently, sharply. Without fuzziness and contamination. 


 I jump ahead a bit, but Locke accidentally said something correct. "Virginia Declaration of Rights: namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety."

 Therefore, Jefferson and Franklin simply rejected that part.,_Liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_Happiness#Lockean_roots_hypothesis

  Benjamin Franklin was in agreement with Thomas Jefferson in playing down the protection of "property" as a goal of government. It is noted that Franklin found the property to be a "creature of society" and thus, he believed that it should be taxed as a way to finance ["civil"] society.

 Did you catch on that? Property as merely a social construct, lol. Woke Founders, lmao. Franklin self-consciously created a crime syndicate, declaring explicitly that taxation (robbery) is contrary to property rights. As it must be: the point was parasitism, all these "rights" and "amendments" nonsense was just that: optics nonsense. Performative, not dogmatic. 

 (Civil society. Lie, or truth? Is taxation uncivilized? Or does [civilization] mean nothing more than organized banditry? The reason statesmen get so worked up about dressing well and smelling nice is that it's so easy to confuse them with criminal outlaws living innawoods...) 


 Before Locke, the ideas weren't in words. After Locke, they were in they could realize the [property] thing was a sham and get rid of it.
 That's why you put things in words, haha! Englishmen thought they lionized property, but it turns out they were wrong about their own thoughts. Whew, what a relief. They really had themselves going for a bit there. 

 Culture demands that truth submit to it. Therefore, I reject culture, that I may embrace the truth.


rezzealaux said...

i think these guys think man is also a social construct.
man "belongs to" society = man is owned by society = man is a social construct => society gets to take what it wants from man

the theory is because man gains benefits from society, society gets to take payment from man. i don't think these guys know what trade is. "society needs its cut" i buy meat from you = i get to live another day + you get compensation for your work. positive sum.

i think they call the main problem with this "the free rider problem". can't remember what it is atm, mb look it up later. instinct is it's retarded. if nothing else, is the wealth caps on heroes thing from the other day.

Alrenous said...

Man "belongs to" society => man is a slave. Humanity = slaverity.

Problem: who owns society, lol? All men are property, they are owned, not the owners.

What Moldbug calls the hundredth monkey logic...if 99 monkeys decide to be pacifists (euphemism for slave), what happens if the 100th monkey doesn't get with the program, lel?


Society as family psychodrama. Dad wasn't a father, so there's God the Father, kek. Everyone has to prove they're a good kid so they can get cookies (after dinner tho).
"I'm an atheist."
"Nice dodge you dumb asshole."


The free rider problem is the problem that some folk don't want to punish free riders. Secure your shit. Build a fence. Patch holes in the fence. Result: no free riders.
Or: turns out Communism is imprudent, lmao. Why are you giving stuff away for free and hoping someone pays you back, you voidskull? Black hole where the thinkymeats are supposed to be...
Or rather, they're just lying, and it works on other voidskulls.

rezzealaux said...

read wiki on free rider problem

such a strange setup. feels like something only a bean counter could come up with. "that should've been my money!" well whatever it was and whatever it is, the question is, now what. and if it could have been foreseen beforehand, what's the point in such a sentiment?

or such a delineation? "people have little incentive to contribute" more explicitly, they won't cooperate. if you know most people likely won't cooperate.. then you know they likely won't cooperate, and you're working in a cooperate-unknown situation. there are ways to turn it into cooperate-cooperate, hard or soft. if you choose soft, then you have to check the final numbers on whether enough cooperated to make it a net benefit. and that's what matters. whether they're 'active' criminals or 'passive' 'little incentive to cooperate' 'bystanders' makes no difference. it's not a "free rider" problem it's a "cooperation" problem, or a "profit" problem. that's it. adding extra jargon just makes things more confused and less solvable.

i dont think lords could come up with such a concept.

Alrenous said...

You first have to come up with the idea of a "public good" which is pure Communism. Lords are in the security business and the idea of not securing their goods is almost unfathomable to them.

"You want me to assemble a library full of valuable goods...and then not put a guard at the front door? My condolences. Your difficulties seem very difficult indeed."

Communists came up with the commons, which lead to the tragedy of the commons. Lords came up with enclosing the commons, which lead to much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and also unimaginable wealth.

Alrenous said...

>they may overuse it by not paying for the good (either directly through fees is of course the free-rider's fault that the fees are set too low

A woman's primary hobby/vice is scolding. As far as I know scolding isn't necessary and doesn't work, but they sure enjoy it.
Women set up commons, so they can manufacture free riders, so they can scold the free riders for being naughty.
The scolding won't work, so the women are mass-producing perpetrators so they can be/become victims. Demand for victimhood. Demand for enslavement.

rezzealaux said...

commons, nagging: 'if i can destroy something, that means i own it'
men taking over the world is to do what they want with it. which means sustaining and managing it, even if they haven't figured that part out yet.
since no one hates woman more than other women, and since Earth is a woman, women just skip the expensive conquering part and go straight to destruction.

Alrenous said...

Women will nag away your free time or relaxation then claim to be selfless.

rezzealaux said...

they are correct. selfless = irresponsible = evil. and what they are is evil.
people will tell you who they are.

Alrenous said...

Ah, good point. I forgot.