Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Application of Alrenous Drama Theory and Decision Theory

 Alrenous decision theory: if a decision is hard, it is easy. Pick whatever, it doesn't matter. If it mattered much, you wouldn't have a hard time deciding.

 Drama theory: we can examine Alrenous decision theory using fictional evidence. This story examines a large and costly fight between two potential heirs. Accounting: what possible gain could be worth all this cost? Just flip a coin. If you pick the "wrong" heir, it won't cost as much as fighting this hard. 

 (Alrenous decision theory point 2: clear your mind then pick based on whatever comes to mind first. Making the decision cheap is more important than making the ""right"" decision. Perfectionism is inherently worse than irresponsibility.)

 Admittedly the author screwed up. You get succession wars because the alternate successor stupidly refuses to surrender, not because the alleged succession authority refuses to choose.("If I don't have the crown I have nothing." "Then you probably deserve nothing." If both heirs are like this, disown them both.)

 Refusing to choose is just abusive and downright psychotic. Sadly unacknowledged psychoticism and lionization of abuse are common in fictional works.

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