Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Anti-Dao, Christianity and Buddhism

[Love your enemies] is self-destruction. The general respect for life is perverse because it doesn't distinguish between the healthy and glorious and the profane devil. It tells you to cooperate with defectors. If someone wants to destroy you, the principle [respect for Dao], rejecting self-hatred, means neutralizing the threat. 

 It's this sort of thing that makes Christianity and Buddhism varieties of Satanism.  

 It's really really important to mark the distinction between indiscriminate pointless killing and directed, strategic, necessary killing. 

 On the contrary, predation, properly done, improves and strengthens the prey species. Take their weakest members, not their strongest. Do it for no more reason than it's easier for you.
 Perhaps a bit more difficult with fishing. If fishing with a net, have to throw back the biggest fish of the day. Encourage them to grow huge. Note again how important it is to own your fishing grounds, as defined by where the fish swim. 

 Humans are weak because nobody hunts slum-dwellers for sport. Indiscriminate killing: bad. Discriminate killing: good. Remember Machiavelli's dictum: do no small harm. Kill him rightly. If someone complains, kill them too. 

 It's not strictly necessary. If mortals don't cull their own dregs, Gnon will do it for them. Eventually. It's merely helpful. When you kill a pauper for being ugly, total and average justice goes up. Though it's perhaps best to wait until they commit a crime. If they can avoid it, then they don't die. Otherwise you have to futz about with exiling folk for being poor, and it goes weird.

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