Saturday, November 25, 2023

False Stereotype of the Cowardly Scholar

 The three primary virtues have an internal hierarchy; you cannot be wise and cowardly at the same time. A cowardly scholar is at least as much of a failure as a cowardly warrior. 

 The scholar must have discipline, and to embrace the fruits of discipline requires courage directly.

 The discipline required to safely determine whether e.g. humans are inherently malicious is tremendous. Questions of a less secular nature are several tiers trickier yet. This discipline must come from within. You have to learn it yourself; it cannot be taught. Anyone trying to externally impose this discipline will only teach trickery and deceit. It only "teaches" the student to duck and dodge their tyrant master, to oppose them effectively with politics or camouflage. Tremendous discipline requires tremendous will.

 Then, whomst among us can willingly adopt the idea? Who would not flinch, embrace the pretty lies?
 I do get a bit of a boost, as having Asperger's already makes all humanity my opponent. There's something I'm not losing by setting myself against the species. 

 You don't get to decide if the ideas are easy or not.

 The cowardly scholar is either not a coward or not a scholar.

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