Thursday, November 16, 2023

Anyone Still Egalitarian is Irredeemable

 I used to be much more sympathetic to failure and shortcoming. However, eventually I noticed I never had to reverse my knee-jerk reactions. Whenever I tried to offer the benefit of the doubt, I later had to reverse my reversal back to my first instinct.

 The guys with Egalitarian knee-jerks haven't accidentally overlooked a brain worm. 

 It's truly weird since I have overlooked brainworms. For example, I was really got by the one that says women should approve of marrying her fiance. Approval is a nice bonus, but no. She should be matched with a man who will be good for her, regardless of her express wishes, not solely because her express wishes are lies and confabulation. Further, I'm speaking only from the perspective of the father. Unrelated men shouldn't care at all who she gets married to. Women, unrelated or related, don't get a say since regardless of anything it's going to be lies and confabulation (politics, in other words).

 Basically it's pointless trying to meet women's demands because there's no way to know what her demands are. She lies so often she might as well be nonverbal. Make some assumptions, Communism her in the face, then forget her and go about your day. Maybe in 20,000 years she'll evolve towards sapience. 

 More importantly, overlooking shortcomings is a brainworm. 

 The crypto-Egalitarians will never thank you for pointing out a contradiction in their worldview, because there isn't a contradiction. 

 For example, it was hardly impossible for boomers to figure out they were screwing everything up. "But they didn't have the internet," you imbecile, everything good on the internet is copied from books that were in libraries the boomers could have used. It could have been distributed if there was any demand for distribution of truth.  The knowledge wasn't hidden, it was rejected.

 Everyone who doesn't already get elitism and hierarchy is ngmi. And thank god. Sorry not sorry, it's too late. Not good enough. Here in Reality we mark up from 0 not down from 100, but you still need to get a passing grade, which you don't have.

 Perhaps this is a point in favour of nature over nurture. Training is critical but first you have to be born to train, oops.  

 I got got by the fact folk found my antisocial behaviour disgusting. I was psyopped by tolerance. I want them to overlook my mistakes, hence I was willing to overlook theirs.

 First problem: at no point did anyone becoming willing to forgive my peccadilloes. I was being plain stupid.
 I have to recommend being autistic, it's very educational. I know firsthand the folk who use the phrase "protected class" are the ones causing all my worst problems, which makes it easy to think of noticing that they also cause most of the problems for the other protected classes. E.g. affirmative action is the major driver of modern racism. Every Bantu you see will be inferior to every non-Bantu you know, because they never get in on merit.

 Deeper problem: I was never antisocial. They were antisocial, and my prosociality was aggressive only in contrast. Normally because it was embarrassing by contrast. Occasionally because I don't want the hallways to be covered with penis graffiti or whatever. "Bro, are you gay? Why you wanna see dick everywhere?" Turns out, yes, they are all deeply femoid. That's why they want her to do anal so bad - they're not man enough to suck dick directly but nevertheless deeply aspire to be fudgepackers.

 When I say, "how are you" I never, ever want you to say, "I'm fine." I want you to answer the question. I don't want you to insult my intelligence. {Everyone hated that.} Indeed. That's not because I'm antisocial, it's because [how are you] is antisocial. A demand is still a demand even, or perhaps especially, if you put "please" in front of it, and I will prove it by saying no. Profane. Egalitarian. Fascist. Satanic.

 Since I made the mistake of mistrusting my judgments, it's hardly inconceivable that someone else would make a similar mistake.

 Doesn't occur in practice. If you haven't learned by now, you never will. Possibly due to Pride. If you were willing to learn, you would ask.


Anonymous said...

I've become more and more jaded towards the normies in the last couple months. It's all work related anecdotal stuff, but to internalize that the vast majority of people are gutless cowards has become a major source of disgust. They truly deserve the problems they have. Walden's Pond is looking more and more appealing.

Alrenous said...

The way out is through. Once you fully accept that disgusting things are disgusting, you can take it for granted.

Nobody posts on twitter about the poop they saw on the sidewalk. (Setting aside street-sewers like LA or similar extremes.) They avoid stepping it and resume going about their day.

Nobody posts hot takes about their visit to the wastewater plant. They were expecting it to be full of garbage.