Saturday, January 14, 2023

Remember the Religious Fervor is Always Fake

It's always eggs for me and not for thee. Even if they have to eat the eggs in the broom closet so you're not looking.
Sophists gonna Soph. It's always about tricking the opponent into voluntarily hurting themselves. "Soft" power, lol.

 "They discouraged Eisenhower from eating eggs when he had a heart attack - this wasn't out of any kind of plan related to Vietnam - it was out of progressive religious fervor"

 ["...but Eisenhower had his heart attack in 1955."]


CovfefeAnon said...

Is it fake though?

I'll grant that progs made sure that busing was to the schools of their enemies' kids but progs owned SF and look at the place. Progs' kids get caught in the latest sexual degeneracy. Prog wives aren't loyal, etc. Progs don't look healthy - they look like they eat according to their ideology.

Alrenous said...

My mother would tell everyone she was a vegetarian. It's just the odd craving for meat, she said, in private. About twice a month, you know. At first. Hardly ever.

Some of the dumber NPCs don't get the joke, yeah. Even still, every prog who can afford it tries to live near "good schools." High church progs don't have any issue with friendly fire. "Have you tried not being poor, lol?"

The parts of SF with the houses of the progs who own SF are still fine. See also: Martha's Vinyard. Georgetown DC is a particularly extreme example. Bet there were no BLM demonstrations in Georgetown.

Prog wives do stay married if they're rich and their husband isn't a nerd. "According to a 2014 report in the American Journal of Sociology, "red" states (states that tend to vote Republican), have higher divorce rates than "blue" states (states that tend to vote Democratic)." This is primarily because red states are lower down the socioeconomic ladder. Red states aren't far enough right for ideas to affect marriage or divorce.

Divorce and whoredom causes voting left, rather than the reverse. Prog clients vs. progs themselves. Single mothers aren't driving policy, they're being exploited to justify anti-wrongwhite policy.

Likewise, everyone in America eats like crap, except a few fringe nutjobs. Leftists will look worse because their genes are worse. (Health outright causes rightism.)

All the gendergoblin kids are indeed leftists, but they're leftists even other leftists don't want anything to do with. All their token trannies are randos from nowheresville.

Alrenous said...

Did Biden take the vaccine, or did he get a shot of saline and theatre?

Alrenous said...

BLM is great at killing Bantu, not saving them.

Blacks are reliably poorer and dumber in blue areas, not richer. Dose, response.

When ncov propaganda wasn't working as intended, they flip-flopped like a weather vane. Bantu policy is working as intended.

CovfefeAnon said...

>The parts of SF with the houses of the progs who own SF are still fine. See also: Martha's Vinyard. Georgetown DC is a particularly extreme example. Bet there were no BLM demonstrations in Georgetown.

They looted SoHo in Manhattan which is more upscale than Georgetown by a wide margin.

Progs don't get divorced because they don't get married until their wives are out of options and they have near zero kids. The upper class people I see who reproduce are all non-progressives who are basically totally unrepresented in politics.

Alrenous said...

When BLM turned on CNN they got immediately shut down.

Soho is clearly not upscale. Maybe they have a lot of money?

Alrenous said...

If the fervor was real they would have defunded the police. They would have gotten stuck on masks don't work and it's just a flu, bro.

Somehow they always manage to change course when it's something that would have negative effects for them personally. It's almost impossible to get them to self-own to uphold their alleged principles.

You occasionally get a dumb bitch who takes the rape tour of Africa or invites their mother's murderer to work as a gardener so he can kill her too, but these show up in the news precisely because it's so rare.

Everyone in America is a woman. Watch what they do, not what they say.
Indeed this lack of principle and bondness of words is what makes feminine Fascism nearly tolerable. If they took themselves remotely seriously it would all be much, much worse.