Friday, September 30, 2022

Just World by Caste

If you give a coward his own battalion, he will only die on the battlefield.
If you refuse to give a great warrior an army, he will merely raise his own.

If you give a poor person a bunch of money, they don't become rich. They just spend it all.
If you take away a billionaire's money, they just earn it all back. 

If you give a stupid person a bunch of education, that only gives them more to foolishly forget.
If you try to withhold information from a true scholar, he will become wise just to spite you. 

Genius that's worth cultivating doesn't need to be cultivated. You can only repress it through devilish luck or extraordinary effort.
Genius that needs to be cultivated is, by and large, not genius. You have found a pig you want to put lipstick on. 

The question is not about potential, it's about whether you want your geniuses to contribute to your society or to oppose and exploit it.

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