Sunday, May 22, 2022

Disregard Trade Tariffs; Acquire Speech Tariffs

Free speech is so bad I'm arguing for the opposite: especially-taxed speech. "You must be this rich to ride." 

All speech should be assumed to be harmful until proven otherwise. Anyone who wishes to speak in the public square should be assumed to be talking out their ass; face-shitting in the common well. As a result they should be charged a cleanup and waste disposal fee.

The wider the audience the speech can reach and the longer it will likely be recorded, the higher the correct exogenous fee. Advertisers especially should be charged out the nose if they want to vandalize the public facades so badly; it's socially harmful and ads look like ass.

Likewise all government broadcasts should come with a tax rebate. If you have to hear it, in any sense of "have" to, they should have to pay you for the privilege of your time. Double minimum wage at the very least. (The joke is there should be no minimum wage, but 2X common minimums is still a good start.)

If your speech really is important then you should be prepared to pay the cost, in literal cash, of speaking it. Maybe you'll get donations from grateful listeners to offset your obligatory fees.

Expensive speech is responsible speech.


Anonymous said...

>Likewise all government broadcasts should come with a tax rebate. If you have to hear it, in any sense of "have" to, they should have to pay you for the privilege of your time.

Or we just ban government from having an opinion. Facts only.

Alrenous said...

Quis custodiet. Governments are made of people, and people consistently pretend they can't tell the difference between a fact and an opinion so they can present their opinions as fact.

Anonymous said...


Pay to play is nonetheless rife for manipulation. The person with the most money has the valid opinion. Wait, that sounds familiar for some reason....