Thursday, June 22, 2023

What is the hybrid of cat and dog?

Let's take upsides for granted and talk about downsides. 


Have to walk, it play with it, and feed it every day.
Fundamentally can't even feed itself independently. Will get fat if you don't coercively control its diet.
Can't leave it home alone.
Have to raise and train it skillfully and with close attention, or it will grow up to be a monster, and by then it's too late.


Messy, hard on furniture and appliances.
Cats with no hair (less messy) look like ass.
Self-sanitizating but catbox leaves a lot to be desired.
Unless tyrannically raised in captivity, will carry parasites and generously donate them to you.
Periodically intolerable as an indoor guest unless spayed/neutered.
Reacts to the tiniest displeasure by becoming violent enough to draw blood; very entitled, no chill.
Can and often will wander off impulsively, with no warning and for little reason. Will in rare cases return, but will act like it never left and become very upset (often confused) if you don't play along.
Strong allergens. 


Cute as puppies/kittens, increasingly disappointing as they age. Non-juveniles are best employed as work animals, rather than for companionship. (Pest control, hunting, herding, that sort of thing.)


Saying women are bitches is an unwarranted insult to dogs.

You can say a woman will take herself to the vet, but she will take herself to the vet even when she isn't sick, and you will still be expected to pay for it. 

Heh. Catbox. Lol. 

"You've gotten in touch with your feminine side?"

"Yes. Now I hate women almost as much as other women do."

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