Friday, September 20, 2024

The Worst Thing about Envy: It's Boring

 If you do something truly original nobody will Envy you, they'll call you weird. At best they start Envying if you get a critical mass of conformists...

 The actions of the Envy-obsessed are always stale.
 Have to play the same games everyone is always playing. 

 I would go as far as to say all conformism is a form of Envy. Terrified of not being the winner on one of the leaderboards. 

 It wouldn't be too bad if they at least competed to do the thing well. Instead they consistently compete to appear to do the thing well, sacrificing as much of the substance of the thing as they can get away with. Inherently degenerating.


rezzealaux said...

"'This thing is X' 'ill be the judge of that'
pronouncing an opinion on thing is, basically, the foundational priestly act; and publicising your opinion is a form of staking your claim that it is under your remit; if you can criticise something, you demonstrate that you have power over it; so it basically circles back to the question of who gets to have the power over what "
"right. having your own opinion is basically declaring you are king."

"if thinking for yourself is the same as claiming you are king, predicting the future is the same as claiming you are god "

i think competing to do the thing well is the same as doing original things. the leaderboard and the rules are fundamentally a kind of appearance.

Alrenous said...

Having your own opinions is declaring you are *pope.

Logiomancy makes you godlike compared to mortals, yes, but this is largely due to mortals being mean and petty.

rezzealaux said...

what's the difference between king and pope? i'm not sure i ever asked

also unrelated what happened to comments on 08.30 monotheism? i remember commenting 'it sounds like athens' and being second.

Alrenous said...

I think the easiest way to explain it is that the king is the supreme warrior, with a strong merchant streak.
The pope is the supreme scholar. Ideally the king is also highly scholarly, but incomparable to the pope. You could in theory unite the two into a god-king, but there's never been a real mortal example. Requires distinctly superhuman heights of genetic virtue.
Sadly supreme merchant doesn't make much sense. There is a highest merchant, but they don't matter enough to be called supreme.

I happened to the comments on 8:30.

rezzealaux said...

ok.. why did you happen?

intuitively the supreme merchant name should be called guild lord or guild master.