Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Reminder: blue voting women are wet for trump

 When a woman calls trump 'rapey' they mean they just had a rape fantasy starring him.

 You might be incited to pity their out-of-control imaginations, but don't. They could log off twitter and stop hearing about trump. Instead, if their frenemies don't bring up their own rape fantasies about trump within two minutes, they'll hard-change the subject. Listen for the transmission going [clunk].

 They are pissed about being incited to commit thoughtcrimes. However women don't respond to emotions (or anything else) by doing anything. They simply go on doing what they think the nearest man is telling them to do, but with a bitchy expression. 

 Tell: they don't use the word [rapist]. No actual events (to their sorrow) it's just vibes. If trump went all gr*pe of the sabine women on americans, they would a) screech even harder b) vote for him. 

 The fact they respond to just about anything with screeches explains their very high rate of involuntary solitude and involuntary infertility.

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

"However women don't respond to emotions (or anything else) by doing anything."