Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Immigration Seen From the Prey Herd

 Grass is infinite, endless. If you manage to browse this field down to the roots, you simply go to the next field. No need to remember the old field either - it will grow back long before you find it a second time. Go wherever the wind takes you...

 The only thing a prey herd needs is more members, so the predator pack can't pick out you in particular.

 Why not invite literally everyone in the world to live in your country? Have the biggest herd possible! There's always more grass? It's not like you can run out? 

 If some of the invitees are predators...well, so what? You were going to get preyed on anyway, stochastically. The whole point of making the herd bigger is to get preyed on less, if some of them are predators, that merely means you need to invite more and make your herd even bigger.

 I hear some are complaining that they can't have any tasty lush grass, like you losers ever got the lush grass. The alpha was already hogging it all, lmao. Why are you complaining about being shoved off the lush grass when the sheep is a different colour, and not when it's the same colour, rofl? If the alpha lets some of his new immigrant friends share in his lush grass...well, try not being such a runt, lmao. 

 If inviting every individual doesn't work, invite all the countries to be one big happy country! The only true division is predator vs. prey! The larger the herd, the bigger the warm middle, and the smaller the relative cold fringe!

 Borders? Borders can't keep scawwy scawwy pwedaturs out. The border is only, uh, manned, by other sheep, what can they do if a wolf comes? Bleat? They're too far away to hear even extra-loud bleating. It's plain mean to make them go so far away from the cuddly middle. The border merely stops the herd from being all it can be!

 Perfectly sogical. 

 Why, even if you're a predator, would you object to increasing the local quantity of prey? "Too much meat, less meat for me plz." Being anti-immigration is plain dumb?

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

it occurs to me your "sogical" sounds similar to patrick ryan's "sophon". yours is the opposite of logos, his is pulled from three body problem to mean opposite of meme.