Wednesday, March 27, 2024

I've Been Racist'd Against the Han

 See how the Han literally can't view a colour designation as a simple designation of physical colour. It always has to be about social one-upmanship: either white or yellow has to be a "better" colour. And the Proud Han insists on being the one up. (Because he always feels too poor to afford a single loss. Magnanimity = death. See also: Jews. Further: Thomas Malthus, Gregory Clark.)
 Consider what happens if you get two Han in a room.
 This is why China must have a powerful authoritarian government. The Han can't get anything done without someone violently forcing them to stop wasting time on petty games. Without it, in their natural state, they really are too poor. They compete to worship mangoes the hardest, rather than doing anything productive, if nobody stands over them with a whip.

 So at e.g. Wuhan Virology Lab, the Han compete to see who can flout the rules the hardest. Until someone accidentally releases a virus, because it turns out the Boreans set up those rules for a reason other than [to gain face at the biologists' expense].
 The Han love defrauding each other, because the fraudster gains face. Admitting you were defrauded is indeed shameful, after all. (Unfortunately, growth requires first admitting to deficit.) They hate being held to standards, because getting caught loses you face. Failing to be defrauded is honourable, and face is zero sum. The Han don't acknowledge fine craftmanship for its own sake, to the credit of the craftsman, so unlike in Europe you can't gain face by being meticulous and trustworthy. They only care insofar as owning it themselves can gain them face. Result: wonderful facades with nothing behind them.

 They're really good at things which are all facade. Pure appearance. Music and painting, for example. Artistic smoke flows. The reason Moscow's subway is less a sub and more a beautiful metro is likely due to their Oriental admixture.
Contrast: treasure fleets. Lots of appearance of wealth, no wealth generation to sustain the appearance, thus not sustained.

 Because the Han only care about face, they always have to have someone gaining face at their expense by standing with a whip looking over their shoulder, or they immediately death spiral.
All races are Proudly, Satanically self-destructive. Treachery competitions. This is how it works for the Han.

 Han come to English places but, monkey habits. They can't escape the expectation of excessive deference
"In the most extreme case, the plane was literally running out of fuel. The co-pilot noticed, but would not directly state the problem, out of a fear of dishonoring the pilot, even knowing everyone could die (which they did)"
"Korean have many different ways to talk to people of different age and job level, the language enforce a culture of respect and not defy your superiors and elders, this means even if a superior or elder is wrong, you can't just point it out bluntly."

 They go absolutely nuts, full ninja chimpout, if you defy this social norm. Incapable of assimilation or respecting local mores.

 Notably English is only pretending to be non-hierarchical, and the pretense regularly goes too far. Position is still there, it's merely conferred subtly, for plausible deniability (which isn't that plausible, but they pretend). The critical problem is that criticizing a superior costs face - it shouldn't, that's Satanic. The English shouldn't have to pretend the superior isn't superior to get around this rule. 

 America seems especially Chinese for a nominally European country, and getting ever more so. I find this makes sense given the nature of Democracy.

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