Saturday, March 30, 2024

Americans Aren't Negotiation Capable

 The reason the government isn't agreement capable is because it's made of members of non-agreement-capable races.

 If I walk up to an Americoid and try to negotiate for behaviour other than what they were going to do anyway, it doesn't work. Do they not understand what they agreed to? Do they forget? Do they think I didn't really mean it? Do they just not care and think I should know better than to think they'll care? Is it all word games to them? It doesn't matter - regardless, the negotiation will have no effect, unless you count wasting my time. Naturally, as many times before, this is in Plato. 

 "so is democracy greedy for absolute freedom; it recognizes no authority whatever, neither familial nor militaristic nor academic." They don't even regard themselves as an authority. Not their spoken word, not their written word. 

 I regard myself as an authority, and boy howdy that pisses them off. E.g. if I think I won't do something, I work hard to ensure I also don't say I'm going to do it...and that's a problem. Highly heretical. That said, some species of Americoid will also avoid agreeing to anything they won't do, which in practice means they're inert, unwilling to agree to anything. Atropia. Some of them won't even agree to visit a restaurant on a timescale of "right now." 

 Ironically, this makes Americoids very easy to manage, because the alternative is manipulation. If you can't follow your given word instead of your momentary impulses, that means you're a slave to your impulses (again as per Plato) and manipulation, rhetoric, targets the impulses directly. Americoids have no defenses. If you can follow your given word, then you can go meta, not waiting to give it to someone else, giving it instead to yourself. Ideally, one employs logic and works out in advance what the correct answer is, so the given word is properly strategic.

 Fun fact: the reason it's okay to eat animals is because you can't negotiate with them. Even if they could sign a contract, they wouldn't be able to follow it. If you can't negotiate, you can't cooperate in any meaningful sense. Obligate defectors.


rezzealaux said...

>eat defectors
>you are what you eat
uh oh

Alrenous said...

It's not like you can eat a cooperator. Ought implies can.