Sunday, October 9, 2022

"Just" war lol

If Putin's Christianity is partially sincere, it would neatly explain all of his missteps in Ukraine. The fuckups are all well-supported Biblically.


Anonymous said...

I answered/responded to ur note, # 38, at the Anglin essay, "Jew Zuckerberg...," on Unz Review, but as usual for the kike, he deleted it. Here it (my response) is as I submitted it:

Satanism Is First A Philosophy, The Religion Built Thereupon

Christianity is Hegelian-style anti-thesis to Judaic subjectivism/satanism (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), which endorses the OBJECTIVE reality and truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) upon which objective reality depends such truth--why the Talmud hates Christ and Christianity above everything/anything else. New Test. is/was simply an elaborated Platonic-style dialectic wherein Christ opposed Pharisees for all time, suckers.

For note all/any "religion" is mere stylistic external to the basic essence of philosophy at the core of the religion, Christ = truth, understood within objective (Aristotelian) reality. Thus such truth CANNOT be killed as the Pharisees thought they'd done to Christ, truth always resurrecting, coming back to "bite."

Christianity is worship of truth, not worship of idiot "love," such truth yet leading to an ethical, hence political, system in which one respects one's fellow, hence featuring a system of "equal justice," etc.

And it's obviously true that present establishment "Christianity," especially "Judeo-Christianity" pushes such lies as saying Christ was "Jew" (hence Talmudist, etc., working upon equivocation fallacy) and endorses terror-state of Israel and "globalism." But the Christ figure (which doesn't have to be literally or historically true) warned there would be "false-prophets" and "sophists."

And note humans DO NOT have a perfectly "free" will, like God's; Christians/humans have no free will to cease to being "sinners"--being self-interested which so often tends to get out of hand. Christianity is also quite deterministic, don't doubt.

"P.S. You gotta be careful with the "subjectivism" thing,..." Yeah, tell us all about it, and then look at Immanuel Kant, one of the most popular and successful sophists of all time--even to this very day, perhaps the greatest of philosophic pillars of modern satanism, state of Israel, "globalism," etc.

Bane said...

Of course.