Monday, October 3, 2022

Jews in Particular Need to Smoke

Nicotine is an anti-neurotic.
It's medicinal for many. "Costs ten years of my life and thousands upon thousands of dollars? ...yeah, worth it." Whether you're neurotic because of trauma or because you have a case of the Hebrews, it can be robustly helpful.

Does it even truly cost that much lifespan? More likely, neurotics don't live long in the first place. Base rate fallacy. Yeah it's not good for you but it's not that bad. Regardless, folk who get addicted to it are psychologically addicted, not physiologically.

Fascism hates smoking because it is a terrorism regime. Hates it when folk go all 'meh' to its panic-mongering. Intent matters. 

Some Jews have this blink where they scrunch up their whole face. It's because they're so neurotic they wince at life in general. "I exist! Ow!"


JBPGuy said...

Check this out though

Vitamin B3 is nicotinamide.

Nicotine competes for the receptors.

Eating a diet high in refined grains (as a start, theres probably other things that tank it - seed oils I'd wager) leads to low niacin levels.


"Eating the whole grain improves anxiety"
Yes, because you get the niacin.

I wonder how high in B vitamins the anxious Jew diet is? Maybe they're particularly effected by the deficiency?

Alrenous said...

Yeah they might need bonus vitamins, and I would bet a large sum vegetarians are disproportionately jooish.

Alrenous said...

P.S. If you eat the whole grain it has to be fresh-ground. Brown flour has the fats, and it turns out seed fats spoil within a day or two.

Indeed it's one of the many reasons seed oils are bad for you.

You can easily taste it, which is why brown grocery breads taste like butts.