Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Controlled Opposition vs. Satanism

No good guys in WWII? No good guys for centuries.

"Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world.” — Voltaire

"But I can do worse!" — also Voltaire

He was right on both counts. 


At least, no good guys you've ever heard of.


This is why you don't do the friend/enemy distinction. Just because they're the enemy of your enemy doesn't mean they're your friend. Most likely they're more friends with each other than they're friends with you. 

Moldbug says: anti-Americanism is hyper-Americanism.
Voltaire wasn't an atheist, he was a hyper-theist. He wasn't condemning Christianity for being too Christian, he condemned it for being not Christian (=Satanist) enough. 

All the 'conversations' and 'debates' and all the politics - that you've heard of, at least - has all been no good. The internet has only bad and worse. There are no heroes here, only degrees of villain.
Like, there's Cowperthwaite. Who you've barely heard of. That's about it. And even then he was a gull. Why did he do all this for Hong Kong when he was merely an agent? It wasn't his Hong Kong. He couldn't decide his own successor or anything.


Anonymous said...

Darwin was wrong. Its actually survival of the craziest.

Alrenous said...

Christianity is basically atheism and thus Darwin was a devout atheist, denying divine influence.
Jesus wanted put his malicious thumb on the scale without interference, and Darwin tried to help. Wasn't really necessary, and he screwed it up, but it's the thought that counts, right?

In a sense, Socrates was wrong. It's not that what seems like evil is merely ignorance, it's that stupidity is a form of evil. They're not different things. Evolved creatures, necessarily, go from unconscious to stupid. There's no path towards intelligence and virtue except through rancid stupidity.