Thursday, November 17, 2022

"Moisturize" => Omega 3 Deficiency

Chug fish oil bro. 

This is a classic "I'm totes smarter than nature" thing. Do you think evolution can't work out how to maintain skin? It's not exactly a novel mutation. 

Maybe it's necessary if you live in Antarctica or the middle of the Sahara. Otherwise the problem is your diet, not the lack of "product" slathering.


JBPGuy said...

>I like this product
>I love to eat it

Your skin looks shit

>There must be a product to help me

Trying to explain to humans that they in fact subject to biology is starting to get like arguing that there is a god.


Yes moron. You lack the capacity to understand what words mean.

Alrenous said...

>The difference between humans and chimps is complex grammar

Is that, uh, really what you want to go with?


P.S. What if there is a god but their job(s) isn't/aren't my own personal mortal comfort?

JBPGuy said...

>Is that, uh, really what you want to go with?
That's really not what I meant at all :P

Chimps have little problem understanding that nature is a force much more powerful than them.
Well, they don't really have much of a choice but understand.

Nietzsches point is that human-derived gods don't fit well with the assumptions of the modern world. Even cause -> effect chains make god hard to believe in.

People take this assumption and run with it to the extremes. "No god.. no.. biology???"

I've had people get upset with me- yelling in my face - because they take it that I am implying that their health conditions are their fault for enjoying what they eat. I mean.. it kind of is so they're not wrong for making that connection.. but don't shoot the messenger maaaaaaaaaaan

>P.S. What if there is a god but their job(s) isn't/aren't my own personal mortal comfort?
Well duh. Only a total narcissist would believe in mummy god.

God the father, ie, you're gonna get judged.

Alrenous said...

>That's really not what I meant at all :P

Then it's not directed at you.

Alrenous said...

>Even cause -> effect chains make god hard to believe in.

Step 1: study physics. Step 2: understand physics.
After step 2, you have to be intentionally blind to avoid the conclusion that the underlying principle of physics is divine perfection. Gnostics BTFO.

(P.S. Not perfection perfection; rather, the quality that puny mortal feelings perceive as perfection.)

JBPGuy said...

>Then it's not directed at you.
You are indeed a very kind stranger :)

>Step 1: study physics. Step 2: understand physics.
Yeah! I just read this article, which you may have read, if not, very good argument along the same lines.

But truly, I suppose when people think about physics from a purely materialist viewpoint they come to the conclusion that the universe is simply material. Maybe that's really Nietzsches contribution, noticing that as the materialist worldview can mostly explain the practical/observable universe inevitably people will adopt it as a meaning structure.

The religion of table thumpers.

"But I can't perceive the supernatural therefore there is no supernatural."
Yes lad, can you perceive x-rays? No? Hmm.

>divine perfection.

Hmmm.. As I may have said to you before, I can see from looking at the universe that Gods purpose for the universe is some type of self-replication.

"My life isn't perfect thoooo"
You aren't God, though, so how can you judge that?

Alrenous said...

It is impossible to take the laws of physics seriously and still see them as purely material.
A materialist universe would have messy equations. There is no mess at all.
They aren't just a list of numbers. They sing. It's the song of an unimaginably skilled singer.