Of course demons are going to pretend to be angels.
If two demons gang up on a lone demon, the gang wins. If four demons gang up on the pair, the squad wins. Hence, Darwin selects for some level of cooperation. However, the primary purpose of life, for all demons, is to defect. They want to be a criminal, and if they don't get to be a criminal to someone, they are unsatisfied.
The difference between a "normal" human and a psychopath is that a limiter is missing. What you're seeing is a normal human with a casing off; with the circuitry laid bare.
At most 5% of humanity are bizarre mutants who are missing the defection drive. 95% are psychopaths who are being forced by their meat to have some minimal appreciation for cooperation. Or rather, 93% are being forced, and ~2% or whatever are missing that part and run wild.
Demons are going to pretend to be angels; if you take things at face value, all you'll ever see is a bunch of angels.
Intent matters. Little but intent matters, in the end. The market will provide. It will sum human demand, which is human intent, which is human value. Humanity per se gets the world they in sum want to buy and are willing to pay for.
This is why providing a common foe makes humans so happy. It satisfies their core value of beating somebody up.
This is why humans are sectarian. If you mange to win a war properly, then they run out of victims. They have to break up so they have somebody to attack. Outfighting is better, sure, but infighting beats a state of peace every time.
Losing sucks, but it's better than having to get along. The opportunity to win, as opposed to merely prosper, is always too tempting to pass up, no matter how bad the odds or how pyrrhic the victory.
This is why it seems nobody can make a voluntary, cooperative, white government. The chance to enshrine your bullying into law is simply too tempting. That's it, that's the thing everyone wants: to beat up the majority as a minority, ideally as a minority of one. They want to see the world as abundant. Abundant in victims, that is.
You can't have a world government because it would immediately split
into two and start a war with itself. Unity is only useful
instrumentally as a means to beat up someone you're not united with.
This is why Fascists are obsessed with appearances. If they can force you, too, to be obsessed with appearances, via social pressure and unconscious mimicry, then you might be fooled by their angel camouflage. Ideally, despite continuing to victimize you.
Secularism is popular because denying that spirituality is real lets you deny consciousness is real which lets you deny intent is real, thus assists in hiding the fact the world is shit because they intend for it to be shit.
This is why humans make shit parents. They're forced by their meat to take certain steps to protect their ongoing genes, but ultimately they're ecstatic to have someone small and weak to victimize. If you can't be the black government and beat up the whole country, you can at least be a parent and beat up your kid.
This is why public school; most parents are cowards and are scared of someone calling them on their abusive behaviour. Much safer to hire someone to beat up your kid on your behalf. Not quite as satisfying as doing it personally, but worth the trade.
This is also why parents always instantly explode if you try to criticize their parenting. "Yeah no shit I'm a bad parent. I'm doing it on purpose." They have something to hide. They can't defend their choices. They have to prevent you from trying to attack, via overwhelming violence.
All the other parents are equally shit and will pre-emptively defend each other. Parents understand that if they don't speak up now, nobody will speak for them when you get around to coming for them.
That's why everyone wants to be immortal. If you're immortal you don't have to protect your kids anymore. It's fine if they all die from excessive brutality.
For the tiny minority that genuinely likes their children, immortality isn't a big deal.
"Women are evil. Pandora. Eve." Sexual selection goes both ways, brotha. If you didn't want evil daughters all you had to do is marry the less-evil wives. You didn't.
What's actually going on: women are lesser and thus held to a lower standard. They don't have to hide how evil they are. Elegance is prized in women precisely because by default they're quite clumsy, and the contrast between expectation and reality is striking. Since they're clumsy, they accidentally reveal the normal depravity that men take pains to hide, and since they're held to a lower standard, nobody minds.
Ultimately, women only need to cooperate at all with their children and a few other neighbourhood mothers. (Their husbands can force cooperation, and generally have to if they want to see any.) Successful men have to cooperate with a much wider circle of casual acquaintances and can't get away with being so openly or impulsively destructive.
What is the red pill shit test? "I am too destructive to successfully raise children unless you force me not to be. Are you man enough to stop me from killing my own kids?" Shit tests are annoying because initiating one is disqualifying. You don't like them because they're bad. However, you'll be looking a very long time if you don't put up with the disqualification.
Modern innovations in soft abuse have delighted everyone. If you abuse your kids by depriving them of food, it's too obvious. What if instead you abuse them by giving them too much food? What if you abuse them by giving them all the candy they clamour for? What if you abuse them not by hitting them too much, but by providing no structure at all? Same result, but you look better doing it. Only didn't happen sooner because it costs an extra layer of thinking. It's "civilized" abuse, resulting from socialization, not instinct.
This is why most normal humans say a government is "necessary" to keep them in line. "Yes, I would commit all sorts of crime if a bigger bully didn't force me not to on pain of death, and so would everyone I know." They're not completely wrong.
Of course this means the biggest criminals will take over the government and make it even worse. Precisely because everyone is indeed all psychopathic criminals, they wouldn't take the disorganized crime lying down. Organized crime, such as black government, is inherently worse.
This seems worthwhile to them because it creates the opportunity, no matter how unlikely, for them to seize the government and personally be the biggest bully...
This is why population growth is bad. Children with bigger bullies as parents, who would otherwise die due to the artificial deprivation, survive. Likewise, bigger adult bullies, who would otherwise fail to find a big enough gang to cooperate with due to being so repulsive, breed successfully anyway.
This is why population "decline" is good. This is why birth control is good. Ultimately parents attack their kids because they hate them. Intent matters, and it feeds back. E.g. peasants, although clueless and ignorant, do eventually work out that they don't want to have kids and thus, given the option, don't. The longer "decline" goes on, the stronger the selection for parents who actually like kids and want to support them.
You can see other great apes are basically evil too. They engage in wholly unnecessary torture all the time. There's no survival benefit; they just like doing it. Almost the entire primate order is a shithole.