Saturday, September 24, 2022

Fat Control Mastery

Rectification: you don't want to lose "weight" you want to lose fat, especially low-density fats made out of fructose. 

I have mastered weight control but it seems I never actually wrote it down.

Step 1: saturated fats control hunger; a full red-meat-based diet results in essentially no hunger whatsoever. Though you can also just throw some lard on rice or whatever.

Step 2: fasting.
Don't limit calories, eliminate them. Go 48+ hours without eating. Result: fat reduction. Not a result: significant discomfort. For me it results in low energy, but it's not uncomfortable. Indeed can easily go long enough that I get too tired to cook...

Losing weight after saturated-fat satiety is so easy that it doesn't matter at all if you gain it back later. Try not to yo-yo excessively, I guess.

Calorie restriction is weird and bad for you. If you eat, eat until you're full. Maybe don't stuff yourself? However, if you give it a few minutes and you're still hungry, keep going. Calorie elimination is normal and good for you. Indeed if you have a cut or scrape, try not eating for a few days to accelerate the wound-closing process.

Vegetables are for spice, not nutrients. Meat provides everything you need.
You don't get tired of meat any more than you get tired of air. You get tired of herbivorous dishes precisely because they don't provide everything you need and should only be eaten occasionally or by necessity.

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