Saturday, November 19, 2022

Global Warming is Allegorically Real

It's being used metaphorically, not literally. 

The world is running out of cool shit. What's a non-cool world? A warm world.

Put literally it's global laming. (Several letters were re-used.) The world is getting stupid and boring. All those deadlines we passed might even have been real. "The planet will get insufferably dull by 1999." Indeed.
Naturally, as per Conquest #3, all attempts to address the allegory through literal carbon gases end up making the world even more boring and lame. 

I always remember the world of Warcraft had these nifty, symbolic, mythic semi-divine dragons. "These are really cool, let's get rid of them." Blah blah tragedy sacrifice etc, but ultimately it's a game and the result was a game world that's less fun. Morons & saboteurs.


  1. Oh wanna know something super interesting and shirley not a coincidence

    There are two degenerate vibrations that CO2 exhibits (in terms of its IR emmissivity), and they appear at 666cm-1

    Hmmmmmm could this be why teh ebil co2 molecule was selected for demonisation?

  2. You don't want to be a vegetarian (and definitely not a vegan) because plants are primary consumers of devil food.
    They say snakes were cursed with not having legs for the whole fruit thing.
    Okay, now do plants. What horrible atrocity were they cursed for committing?

  3. Plants don't even have brains.


New failcomment system also fails to publish my comments, it's not limited to yours. Keep trying, it will usually work, eventually.
Blogger deliberately trying to kill itself, I expect.
Captchas should be off. If it gives you one anyway, it's against my explicit instructions.