Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Suez Clog

Wow those delays really mattered a lot. It's good that nobody could talk about anything except that one ship for a week. Luckily there wasn't, like, any news or anything, so...


  1. Suez Prick.

    Had an amusing harshness, much better than an oil spill, made a fool of Christo.


    They breathed a sigh of relief because they couldn't find it to fuck.

  2. They were terrified of being held accountable for this and can now relax into a few days of unalloyed lesbianism and disorganized mud.


New failcomment system also fails to publish my comments, it's not limited to yours. Keep trying, it will usually work, eventually.
Blogger deliberately trying to kill itself, I expect.
Captchas should be off. If it gives you one anyway, it's against my explicit instructions.