Monday, June 6, 2016

Hypothesis/Query: Decadence Essentially the Opposite of Independence?

First, I need a single word that refers to the state of being independent of excessive oversight and of taking responsibility for your own actions both prospectively and morally.

I then suppose: is decadence the opposite of this virtue? Of relaxing into slavery and disdaining responsibility? Seems to be. What do you think?


  1. I don't know if it helps, but lately I've been thinking about adapting Taleb's "fragile/robust/antifragile" to "naive/?/antinaive", where I associate naivety very closely with decadence, dependence, slavery etc. Naivety is the state of having lost one's epistemological competence.

  2. I do like the idea of antinaievite. ? = skeptical. I'd prefer the names gullible/skeptical/antigullible. Antigullibility is combat epistemology - walk into a propaganda crossfire, walk out with the truth.

  3. Antifragility = things that gain from disorder
    Antinaivete/antigullibility = things that gain from disaster

  4. The opposite of decadent is cadent.

  5. @NBS

    You can do better than playing with morphology.


New failcomment system also fails to publish my comments, it's not limited to yours. Keep trying, it will usually work, eventually.
Blogger deliberately trying to kill itself, I expect.
Captchas should be off. If it gives you one anyway, it's against my explicit instructions.